Hey Parents, Be A Role Model

Hey Parents, Be a Role Model
by Shannon Patterson
Even with these fun ways to get moving, why don’t kids always embrace exercise as a fun way to pass time? Parents everywhere are sending the wrong message. For example, “Win a ball game, go to the Dairy Queen, lose a game and take a lap”. Kids also see sedentary adults, including moms and dads who reward themselves for big accomplishments with a big dinner or complain about making time to work out and stay fit.
Parents can encourage their kids to exercise by setting a good example and being active alongside their kids. Incorporating exercise – like a hike, bike ride or canoe trip – into a family vacation is a great way to interest the whole family in being fit. Make activity a part of your family life.
Even if you’re not in the habit of exercising or think you’re too busy to model fitness for your kids, this summer is a good time to start. Though parents may work full time, doing things such as taking daily walks at home after work as a family is a great way to fit in physical activity. During the summer, besides walking kids can wear their rollerblades or ride their bikes while mom and dad walk. Not only does an active family enjoy better health, but participating in a variety of physical activities can help parents and kids find more time to spend together than if everyone was glued to the TV all summer.
The habits you start with your kids today will last beyond the final swim of summer. Understand the importance of physical fitness and get moving. Your kids will reap the benefits for a lifetime.