Did You Know?

Did you know that November and December are typically the slowest months of the year for a fitness center in regards to member attendance. I’m sure that comes as no surprise. Between shopping for gifts, meeting friends out to eat, and getting the house ready for the in laws, who has the time to exercise?  The answer is, YOU! I capitalized “you” because healthy habits are all about juggling your daily responsibilities and making your health and wellness a priority. I will suggest that even the busiest of us have at least a couple hours a week we can set aside to exercise. Even if you have to cut back a little from your normal routine here at the gym, any exercise is better than none. Do a group x class. Hit the treadmill for a half an hour. Give yourself a present and treat yourself to a holiday massage. As a last resort, weather permitting, take a brisk walk around the block and get moving. Let’s not be part of that statistical 5-7 pound holiday weight gain and hit the new year with a head start!

Happy holidays to all our Parks family!

–David Jamason